Aelodaeth CARN Membership


Cefnogwch CARN trwy bod yn aelod, mae £25 ar gyfer aelodaeth o flwyddyn.

Manteision o fod yn aelod :

  • Tudalen artist ar ein wefan

  • Arddangosfa aelodau

  • Gostyngiad i gweithdai, cyrsiau a sgyrsiau

  • Digwyddiad aelodau

  • Prosiectau allanol/cymunedol


Support CARN by becoming a member, £ 25 is for a year's membership.

Benefits of being a member:

Artist page on our website

Members' exhibition

Discount to workshops, courses and talks

Members' event

External / community projects

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Cefnogwch CARN trwy bod yn aelod, mae £25 ar gyfer aelodaeth o flwyddyn.

Manteision o fod yn aelod :

  • Tudalen artist ar ein wefan

  • Arddangosfa aelodau

  • Gostyngiad i gweithdai, cyrsiau a sgyrsiau

  • Digwyddiad aelodau

  • Prosiectau allanol/cymunedol


Support CARN by becoming a member, £ 25 is for a year's membership.

Benefits of being a member:

Artist page on our website

Members' exhibition

Discount to workshops, courses and talks

Members' event

External / community projects

Cefnogwch CARN trwy bod yn aelod, mae £25 ar gyfer aelodaeth o flwyddyn.

Manteision o fod yn aelod :

  • Tudalen artist ar ein wefan

  • Arddangosfa aelodau

  • Gostyngiad i gweithdai, cyrsiau a sgyrsiau

  • Digwyddiad aelodau

  • Prosiectau allanol/cymunedol


Support CARN by becoming a member, £ 25 is for a year's membership.

Benefits of being a member:

Artist page on our website

Members' exhibition

Discount to workshops, courses and talks

Members' event

External / community projects