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Sgwrs: FFIWS gyda Rhys Gwilym a Menai Rowlands
Fel rhan o’n cyfres o sgyrsiau yn ystod 2021 gan artistiaid a ffrindiau CARN, byddwn yn cael sgwrs gyda’n ffrindiau yn FFIWS, Rhys Gwilym a'c un o’n aelodau Menai Rowlands am y prosiect a’r cyfleoedd ar gael drwy’r cynllun.
Cofrestwch i’r digwyddiad yma
Talk: FFIWS with Rhys Gwilym and Menai Rowlands
As part of our series of talks by CARN’s artist and friends for 2021, we look forward to talk with our friends at FFIWS, Rhys Gwilym and one of our members Menai Rowlands about the project and the opportunities available with them.
Register for the event here