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Clwb Darlunio | Drawing Club: Lisa Carter-Grist

Sesiwn ar-lein AM DDIM gan Lisa Carter-Grist

Mae hwn yn seiswn wedi'i recordio o flaen llaw, weler fidio isod.

'Palm of The Hand Stories’

Mae ‘lluniadu a barddoniaeth yn chwarae rhan hanfodol yn fy ngwaith gan fod y ddau ohonyn nhw yn cynnig cymhlethdod ac amwysedd gan fy helpu i rwymo delweddau i hwyliau ac emosiynau wrth baentio’ - Lisa Carter Grist

Mae Lisa Carter-Grist yn rhannu proses arlunio bersonol sy'n ein hatgoffa ni y gall eiliadau bach wedi'u tynnu'n fyw ac yn ofalus fod yr un mor gymhleth a chyfoethog â themâu a digwyddiadau dramatig.

Mae'r ymarfer lluniadu hwn wedi'i ysbrydoli gan 'Palm of The Hand Stories’

casgliad o 70 o straeon cryno iawn gan Yasunari Kawabata, enillydd Gwobr Nobel, a ysgrifennwyd rhwng dechrau'r 1920au a'r 1970au. Mae “Palm-Of-The-Hand” Kawabata yn cynnwys darluniau barddonol o emosiynau, ffocws ar deimladau yn hytrach nag ar ddeall.


A FREE online session from Lisa Carter-Grist

This is a pre-recorded session, see video below.

'Palm of The Hand Stories’

‘Drawing and poetry play an essential part in my work as they both offer complexity and ambiguity helping me to bind images to moods and emotions when I paint’ - Lisa Carter Grist

Lisa Carter-Grist shares a personal drawing process that serves as a gentle reminder that vividly and carefully drawn small moments can be just as complex and rich as dramatic themes and events.

This drawing exercise is inspired by “Palm-of-the-Hand Stories” a collection of 70 very brief stories by Nobel Prize-winner Yasunari Kawabata written between the early 1920s and 1970s. Kawabata's “Palm-Of-The-Hand Stories" contain poetic depictions of emotions, a focus on feelings rather than on understanding.

Gwefan | website: Lisa Carter-Grist

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