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Sesiynau crefft Nadoligaidd yn Oriel CARN gyda Lora
01.12.21 - Addurn Sion Corn
15.12.21 - Coeden Nadolig Pompom
£10 fesul person fesul sesiwn, yn cynnwys deunyddiau, paned a chacen
Addas i 18+ oed
I gofrestru ebostiwch:
neu ffoniwch 07907483347
Festive craft sessions at Oriel CARN with Lora
01.12.21 - Father Christmas Decoration
15.12.21 - Pompom Christmas Tree
£10 per person, per session, includes materials, tea and cake
Suitable for aged 18+
To register, email:
or call 07907483347