Creu ffansîn neu lyfryn bach amlgyfrwng gyda Rob Parsonson
Bydd y sesiwn yn gofyn i’r cyfranogwyr i gydweithio i gynhyrchu ffansîn fach. Gall cyfranogwyr dod â delweddau maen nhw eisiau eu defnyddio neu syniadau o beth bydden nhw eisiau eu ddefnyddio a medrwn ni argraffu. Y pwrpas yw dangos potensial y fethodoleg hon.
Sesiwn celf a chrefft gyda artistiaid CARN gwahanol
Mae ABC yn sesiynnau celf a chrefft ABC i blant mewn person yn CARN.
Addas i blant 4 - 10 oed
Llefydd cyfynedig, felly RHAID archebu o flaen llaw ac un lle fesul plentyn
Archebu lle - £3 y plentyn
Archebwch le yma
Am rhagor o wybodaeth cysylltwch â
Create fanzine or a small mixed media booklet with Rob Parsonson
The session asks the participants to collaborate to produce a small fanzine.
Participants can bring images they want to use and provide ideas they might want to share in print. The purpose is to show the potential of this methodology.
Arts and crafts session with various CARN artists
ABC are live arts and crafts sessions for children in person at CARN
Suitable for age 4 - 10 years
Places are limited, MUST book beforehand and book per child
Book your child / children’s place - £3 per child
Book your place here
For further information contact
Sesiynau 2023 sessions:
04/02/ 23