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ABC+: CARN Tachwedd | November 07.11.24

  • Oriel Pendeitsh Castle Ditch Caernarfon, Wales United Kingdom (map)

Sesiwn gyda Sioned Medi

Gweithdy gwehyddu 

Mi fyddwn yn creu darnau lliwgar a phatrymau diddorol gan ddefnyddio’r dechneg o wehyddu gyda amrywiaeth o ddeunyddiau.

Gweithdy celf a chrefft ABC i blant hŷn gyda artistiaid gwahanol pob mis

Addas i blant 11 - 15 oed.

Llefydd cyfynedig, felly RHAID archebu o flaen llaw ac un lle fesul plentyn.

Archebwch le yma trwy eventbrite


Session with Sioned Medi

We will be creating colourful pieces and interesting patterns using the technique of weaving with a range of different materials.

Face to face arts and crafts workshop for older children in person with different artists each month.

Suitable for ages 11 - 15 years old

Places are limited, MUST book beforehand and book per child.

Book your place here

16.30 - 18.30yp/pm

Dyddiau Iau | Thursdays

Oriel CARN, Caernarfon LL55 2AY

Am rhagor o wybodaeth | For more information: //

November 7

Crefft er Lles 07.11.24

November 7

Hyfforddiant: Sgwrs a sesiwn | Training talk and session - Lisa Eurgain Taylor