Mae Heb Ffiniau yn brosiect digidol ac arddangosfa gorfforol esblygol sy’n dwyn ynghyd 22 o gymunedau a bron i 300 o artistiaid o bob cwr o’r byd.
Mae Heb Ffiniau yn ceisio cael gwared ar rwystrau, creu cynghreiriau, a chysylltu â chymdogion. Ei nod yw dod â phobl greadigol ynghyd, i gydweithio mewn arddangosfa deithiol ryngwladol o weithiau ar bapur – casgliad o dudalennau artistiaid.
Ar ddiwedd yr arddangosfa elysium, bydd y tudalennau’n cael eu rhwymo at ei gilydd i wneud llyfr ac yn cael eu cludo i leoliad arall i’w dynnu ar wahân, eu harddangos, ac yna eu hailymuno cyn symud eto i’w leoliad nesaf.
Curadwyd prosiect gan Jonathan Powell, Cyfarwyddwr oriel elysium a Heather Parnell.
Curadwyd arddangosfa gan Menna Thomas
Without Borders is an evolving exhibition that brings together 22 communities and nearly 300 artists from around the world.
Without Borders seeks to remove barriers, create alliances, and connect with neighbours. It aims to bring creative people together, to collaborate in an international touring exhibition of works on paper – a collection of artists pages.
At the end of each exhibition, the pages will be bound together to make a book and taken to another venue to be taken apart, displayed, and then reassembled before moving again to its next location.
Project curated by Heather Parnell & Jonathan Powell
Exhibition curated by Menna Thomas
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