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Sesiynnau celf a chrefft ABC i blant mewn person yn Oriel CARN pob Dydd Sadwrn cyntaf y mis gyda gwahanol artistiaid
Addas i blant 4 - 10 oed
Llefydd cyfynedig, felly RHAID archebu o flaen llaw ac un lle fesul plentyn
Archebu lle yma - £3 y plentyn
Archebwch docyn/docynnau yma
Live arts and crafts sessions for children in person at Oriel CARN every first Saturday of the month with various artists
Suitable for age 4 - 10 years
Places are limited, MUST book beforehand and book per child
Book your child / children’s place here - £3 per child
Book your tickets here