Stiwdio Pwy?
Cyfres newydd ble da ni’n cael cyfle i gweld du ôl i'r lleni a gweld stiwdios artistiaid a ffrindiau CARN yn ogystal a cael gweld nhw wrth eu gwaith.
Am rhagor o wybodaeth ar Stiwdio Pwy? neu i gymeryd rhan, cysylltwch â ni ar ebost:
Bydd fidio newydd yn cael ei rannu pob Dydd Iau.
A new series of videos where we get the very special opportunity to see behind the curtain and see some of CARN's artists and friends working within their studios.
For further information or to take part of 'Stiwdio Pwy?'/Who's Studio? contact us via email:
A new video will be shared every Thursday.