Joanna Wright
Artist Cymreig yw Joanna Wright sy’n gweithio gyda thechnolegau dogfennol, ffotograffiaeth, sain, archif, argraffu, ac yn gofodol. Mae ei phrosiectau yn aml yn gydweithrediadau hirdymor gyda chymunedau, casgliadau archif, a gwyddonwyr sy’n ail-edrych ar naratif sefydledig a pherthynas rhwng pobl, lle, amgylchedd, ac amser.
Mae hi'n artist / cymrawd ymchwil yn MIT Open Documentary Lab & Co-Creation Studio ac yn aelod o bwyllgor yr IDA Non-Fiction Access Initiative
Joanna Wright is a Welsh artist working with documentary, photography, sound, archive, print, and spatial technologies. Her projects are often long-term collaborations with communities, archive collections, and scientists that re-examine established narratives and relationships between people, place, environment, and time.
She is an artist / research fellow at MIT Open Documentary Lab & Co-Creation Studio & advisory committee member for the IDA Non-Fiction Access Initiative