Alan Whitfield

Artist gweledol, ymarferydd a bardd sy'n gweithio yng nghyd-destun celf gain. Mae fy ngwaith wedi'i seilio ar raglen ddogfen, gan archwilio harddwch mewnol bywyd bob dydd trwy gyfryngau amrywiol sy'n seiliedig ar lens. Mae syniadau o hiraeth a sylwebaeth gymdeithasol yn bresennol ond o safbwynt dosbarth gweithiol gogleddol pendant. Rwy'n gweithio'n reddfol, gan archwilio trefluniau Gogledd Cymru a’r Gogledd Orllewin, gan gynhyrchu gwaith yn aml sy'n adlewyrchu ar fywyd bob dydd.

A visual artist practitioner and poet who works within the context of fine art. My work is grounded in documentary, exploring the inner beauty of everyday life through various lens-based media. Notions of nostalgia and social commentary are present but from a definite northern working-class perspective. I work instinctively, exploring the townscapes of North Wales and the North West, often producing work that reflects the everyday minutiae of life.

Instagram: @alanwhitfield80


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